Holy Ghost Ministry is a faith based, nonprofit organization, established for the advancement of Kingdom of God. We are committed to win as much as souls we can through sharing of Word of God and message of salvation as Jesus gave the Good News to the World. We conduct, healing crusades and seminars to share Word of God to masses. We also organize Gospel sharing meeting with small group of people in different villages and brick kiln workers at different bricks factories in Faisalabad-Pakistan.

People come with faith and they get rid of from their sins and they receive miracles of healing after attending special prayer meetings. We are laboring into field of Jesus and winning hundreds of souls through life changing teachings of Jesus Christ. We have devoted team of Pastors, Evangelists, Sunday School teachers and volunteers who are serving among poor and deserving labor class Christian families. We need financial support to extend our activities up to more unreached areas. We also need your kind prayers for the great spiritual revival in Pakistan.    

We have been providing food/Ration to most deserving brick kiln workers on monthly basis. Christian brick kiln workers are bonded labor slaves at brick kiln factories. Thus, they are most vulnerable community in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, the Covid-19 situation is even more perilous for the already impoverished population.  Millions of hourly wage earners who used to earn their living as domestic laborers, shopkeepers, and street vendors have lost their jobs as Covid-19 spreads across Pakistan.  We hope that the effect on Pakistan is not severe, but for poor people who depend on daily wages, this pandemic poses an additional threat of them not being able to put food on the table for their families.  In addition to the danger of the virus, poor families face the threat of starvation.  With your kind support, we are aiming to alleviate some of that financial burden for these families with the delivery of grocery basics to those who need it most.

There are also some families have been facing financial crisis as they are slaves at brick kiln factories in Pakistan. They deserve for our attention and support to feed their children. We also need your generous financial support to provide ration on monthly basis to most deserving widows.  

Holy Ghost Ministry believes that education is the only tool for the development of the society. Christian community in Pakistan belong to lower labor class. Thousands of Christians are trapped into bonded labor slavery and this community is deprived of basic rights and fundamental freedoms. They are living under the line of poverty. Therefore, we are striving to enhance status of education among such vulnerable people.

We are running many Sunday schools for spiritual formation of Christian children and we also running many non-formal education centers for basic education. Glory be to God for successful outcomes from our educational services. Children of poor and deserving families have been enrolled at our education centers. Education is totally free for all students and we also provide them with books, bags and stationery. We also provide recreational opportunities through different curricular and co- curricular activities.          

Women are the most active and effective part of our ministry. Women are coming to Jesus through evangelical activities conducted by women leaders. We have formed many groups of women in different areas to lead women of local areas. These groups are active as prayer warriors and glorying the mighty name of Jesus.

We celebrate Christmas with great passion to bless the families with the spirit of Christmas. We invite youth and children of Sunday school to participate in worship, tabloos, skits and Bible quiz. We distributed gifts to youth and children. We also invited women and girls to participate in different ways. We also distributed warm clothes to women and children. Some family are very poor and we provide them Ration/Food items to celebrate Christmas with their families.

The members of our congregation are belong to labor class families and get less opportunities for healthy entertainment. Thus, on Christmas we try to provide them a chance to be happy. They join us on Christmas dinner offered for all members. Christmas is also a time to share message of love and peace through Jesus Christ. We share purpose of the coming of Jesus into the world. We glorify the name of God through different evangelical and recreational activities on Christmas. People from different areas join us and this get together is always admired by the members. We believe that sharing is caring, so we love to share the blessings of God with all.

We are highly grateful to our supporting partners who always love to share their blessings with our poor and deserving people on the Christmas every years.      

Holy Ghost Ministry keeps special focus on Children of our community as they deserve our attention and mentorship for their better growth. Children deserve our love and guidance to be an effective part of the society. Keeping in view the need to train up the children, we conduct Sunday school for the religious and ethical formation of the children of poor and vulnerable community.

Trained teachers lead the Sunday school class to teach the basic teaching of the Holy Bible. Teachers prepare the children for bible reading and worship. We train up the children to be an active part of church to live their lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.      

Following the steps of Jesus Christ as He fed the thousands of hungry people, we always consider the need of poor and deserving people during hunger situation. Most of Christian families are belong to lower labor class and they not earn enough to meet their basic needs. Thousands of Christian families are engaged in bonded labor slavery and they earn very low wages which is not enough to feed their families and they have to get loan to meet some of their basic needs.

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

As obedient servants of the Lord, we have been Baptizing the people who receive the Jesus Christ as their Savior. Preaching of Gospel is our prime obligation and we are striving to win more and more souls for the kingdom of God. In result of our preaching, people come to Jesus and after repent of their sins they wish to get baptize according to the teaching of Jesus Christ, we love to perform this humble service for the glory of God.  

Holy Ghost Ministry always consider the basic needs of the people of our congregation. We are supporting the women to live an independent life. Women have been participating in preaching and preparing women for the kingdom of God. We also feel that these women are living under the line of poverty and its very hard for them to run their kitchen in satisfactory manners.

After conducting a study survey, we come to conclusion with need of establishment of different skill training centers for the development and empowerment of women of vulnerable community. We have established some sewing centers for women to provide them training opportunities. Glory be to God on successful running of different sewing training centers. Women are now able to contribute into income of their families. They are able to support their children for educational needs.

Women have a good respect in family and society as businesswomen. They are also giving donations to our ministry as thanksgivings. We are spending that fund on different centers to provide sewing machines and accessories to new trainees.

We are thankful to members of our church who play their role to provide market access to our women to sale their stitched items. We are also grateful to our donors who are supporting our endeavors for the religious and social development of our people.        

Bonded labor slave workers are the most vulnerable community in Pakistan; who are facing different sorts of social discrimination, prejudice and persecution on the basis of their faith. This community being bonded labor slaves are deprived from basic facilities of life. They are not even able to raise their voice against violation of their basic rights and fundamental freedoms.