Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Holy Ghost Ministry keeps special focus on Children of our community as they deserve our attention and mentorship for their better growth. Children deserve our love and guidance to be an effective part of the society. Keeping in view the need to train up the children, we conduct Sunday school for the religious and ethical formation of the children of poor and vulnerable community.

Trained teachers lead the Sunday school class to teach the basic teaching of the Holy Bible. Teachers prepare the children for bible reading and worship. We train up the children to be an active part of church to live their lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Children come to join Sunday school classes or regular basis. We conduct exams and tests to evaluate the learning skills. We often conduct monitoring visits to note the progress of all Sunday schools established at different areas of District Faisalabad – Pakistan.

We intent to get best quality results from these schools and we provide the students with good standard learning material based on teachings of Holy Bible. We also provide them good learning environment and refreshments. We invite Sunday school students to participate in church activities and they also perform at different activities conducted on Easter and Christmas Etc. Please keep our children ministry remember in your kind prayers and support our activities for the good care of Children.